As New Zealand’s leading cancer charity, our role is to advocate for effective cancer control laws and policies on behalf of our communities.

What is a submission?

A submission is a written statement given to decision-makers such as the Government or regulatory authority.

When decision-makers are conducting an inquiry or introducing new policies and legislation, they will call for public submissions.

Submissions are a way for the people of New Zealand to have a say and influence decision-making.


The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament building
Smokefree logo at school
Bottom left: The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament building | Bottom right: Smokefree logo at school
Top right: The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament building | Bottom right: Smokefree logo at school

Cancer Society submissions

We make submissions to the Government and other key decision-making agencies on a range of national issues relating to cancer control.

Submissions are a valuable opportunity for us to present an evidence-based position on actions the Government and others can take to reduce the impact of cancer.

We welcome and encourage community members to contribute their views.

Read our recent national submissions

Once we send in our submission, they will be available to download here. They will also be published on the Parliament website. 

Cancer Society Submissions 2024

Title / Submitted to Date

SSAG - Science System Advisory Group

To: SSAG through their website

May 2024

UAG - University Advisory Group

To: UAG through their website

May 2024

Review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act - Draft Impact Analysis

To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand

April 2024

Political lobbying code of conduct options survey

To: Ministry of Justice

January 2024

Cancer Society Submissions 2023

Title / Submitted to  Date

Defining added sugars for claims

To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand 

October 2023

A proposal to clarify how nicotine levels for vaping products are

expressed in the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Regulations 2021

To: Ministry of Health

June 2023

Carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages

To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand


Safer Online Services and Media Platforms

To: The Department of Internal Affairs

July 2023

Proposal to widen access to intravenous trastuzumab and change the funded brand

To: Pharmac

June 2023
Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Rugby World Cup 2023 Extended Trading Hours) Amendment Bill
To: The Justice Committee
June 2023
Review of rule 8.1b of the Pharmaceutical Schedule
To: Pharmac
March 2023
Women's Health Strategy
To: Ministry of Health
March 2023

Therapeutic Products Bill
To: Parliament

March 2023

Smoked tobacco regulatory regime

To: Ministry of Health

March 2023

Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages

To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand

March 2023

Future for Local Government

To: Department of Internal Affairs

February 2023

The  Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill

To: The Justice Select Committee

February 2023

Proposal P1058 – Nutritional labelling about added sugars

To: Food Standards Australia New Zealand

January 2023 

Cancer Society Submissions 2021 - 2022

Title / Submitted to  Date

Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products

(Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill

To: Health Select Committee

August 2022

Horizon scan to support the strategic direction of the

binational food regulatory system for 2023-2026

To: Ministry of Primary Industries

August 2022 

Draft Insurance Contracts Bill

To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

May 2022

Petition of Open Forum for Health Information: Healthy Food and Drink in Schools

To: Parliament

May 2022

Proposed changes to the promotion and

provision of healthy drinks in schools 2022

To: Ministry of Education

May 2022

Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill

To: Pae Ora Legislation Committee

Dec 2021

Alcohol Buy-Now, Pay-Later: 

Understanding the triggers of financial hardship  

and possible options to address them

To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Dec 2021

Liquor store signs in Auckland

To: Auckland City Council

Oct 2021

Global Alcohol Policy Alliance APAPA


Sep 2021

Support for food regulation to prioritise public health

To: Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck

Sep 2021 

Reduce the number of Tobacco Retailers

To: Petitions Committee 

 Jul 2021

Pharmac Review

To: Ministry of Health 

Jul 2021

Public health and consumer organisations call for

food regulatory reform (Statement)

To: Australian Government

Jun 2021 

Review of the Food Standards Australia New

Zealand Act 1991 - Draft Regulatory Impact


To: Department of Health, Australian Government

 Jun 2021

Sunscreen Product Safety Standard Bill 2021

To: Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

May 2021

Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan

To: Ministry of Health

May 2021 

Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products

Act 1990 Proposals for Regulations

To: Ministry of Health

Mar 2021

AS/NZS 2604:2021 Sunscreen products -

Evaluation & Classification

To: Joint Standards Australia/Standards

New Zealand Committee

Feb 2021

Future of Money Consultation

To: Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Feb 2021

Aspirations for the food regulatory system

To: Ministry of Primary Industries

Jan 2021

Cancer Society Submissions 2020

Cancer Society Submissions 2019

Cancer Society Submissions 2018

Cancer Society Submissions 2017

Cancer Society Submissions 2016

Cancer Society Submissions 2015

Cancer Society Submissions 2014

Cancer Society Submissions 2012-2013

Cancer Society Submissions 2011

Cancer Society Submissions 2010

Cancer Society Submissions 2009

Last updated: June 27, 2024