He karanga tēnei ki ngā Tai Tamariki o Te Hokianga Nui-ā-Kupe. Nau piki mai, nau kake mai.
On Wednesday, 7th of August 2024, we partnered with Kristina McGuiness-King and the team from Hauora Hokianga for an awesome Kia ora - E te iwi wānanga for senior school students from Te Kura Takiwā O Opononi (Opononi Area School). Educating all our whānau around cancer, is important, especially for our future leaders.
We would like to acknowledge Hauora Hokianga, Te Hiku Hauora, the research team at Waipapa Taumata Rau, CanTeen, Hush, Taumata Rongoā, our team here at Cancer Society, Auckland Northland, and all our community experts who all helped to make the day the success that it was.
Highlights included:
- facilitators and a great variety of insights and knowledge provided that catered for both taitamaariki and adults.
- Hush, a couple of wāhine awhi cancer patients by giving them more permanent make-up such as false lashes, tattooed eyebrows, handmade wigs and so much more.
- To have been educated in the varieties of cancer, the causes, prevention strategies and the type of treatments; also having a mixture of age groups present, and being informed of the services provided, not only for cancer patients but also their supporters.
- One participant noted: "The workshop hit really close to home for me as cancer runs quite heavily in my whā It was awesome to learn about all the different help that can be extended to the whānau who are affected by cancer and also being taught about cancer prevention and ways to heal if you are already dealing with the sickness. I would highly recommend the workshop to others."
- A big thank you to Opononi Area School for bringing their senior students out to take on all the mātauranga for the day.

If you or your students are interested or want to know more about this day – please contact me on 027 332 3775 or Tipene.brundell@akcansoc.org.nz.