I found it very difficult to comprehend what had happened at the beginning, and I didn’t ask the right questions. But what questions are you meant to ask?

I suppose my story is a little different. We were having fertility treatment. I found out I had endometrial cancer when we were called to come in for test results. I didn’t expect the news, but who expects cancer?

It was just devastating. I found it very difficult to comprehend what had happened at the beginning, and I didn’t ask the right questions. But what questions are you meant to ask?
Tammy (Cancer Society supportive care) made me feel comfortable. She was someone I could talk to about anything, and not just about cancer, not just about diagnosis.
The waiting is so tough. When you’re going through treatment, there’s a lot of waiting. Your mind can take you to dark places. Talking with Tammy helped me cope with those times.
30 Stories for 30 Years
In 2020 the Cancer Society celebrated the 30th anniversary of Daffodil Day.
It also marked a 30 year relationship with ANZ as the Principal Sponsor of Daffodil Day. We want to thank the team at ANZ for their amazing support.
To acknowledge this we found 30+ people to tell their story. These stories talk about the generosity of everyday New Zealanders making a difference for people with cancer. They talk about the effect of cancer on people and on whānau, they talk about hope, and they talk about the work we do here at the Cancer Society.