I was lucky someone told me about the National Travel Assistance grant from the Ministry of Health - otherwise it would have been an expensive time in motels.

I’m Billy Mitchell of Oamaru. Two years ago I found out I had prostate cancer. My dad died from it and I thank the nurse who said to me - you haven’t had a test for 12 months, best you get it done. The cancer had already spread so I was lucky it was caught when it was.

I had 7 and a half weeks in radiation treatment, so I stayed at the Cancer Society’s Daffodil House over that time. It was marvellous. The people were fantastic. I was lucky someone told me about the National Travel Assistance grant from the Ministry of Health - otherwise it would have been an expensive time in motels. They don’t tell you about this when you’re diagnosed.
Cancer society helped me tremendously and I was determined to do something for them. So I organised a quiz night - first time ever.
Find out more about Daffodil House [link to be added]
30 Stories for 30 Years
In 2020 the Cancer Society celebrated the 30th anniversary of Daffodil Day.
It also marked a 30 year relationship with ANZ as the Principal Sponsor of Daffodil Day. We want to thank the team at ANZ for their amazing support.
To acknowledge this we found 30+ people to tell their story. These stories talk about the generosity of everyday New Zealanders making a difference for people with cancer. They talk about the effect of cancer on people and on whānau, they talk about hope, and they talk about the work we do here at the Cancer Society.