She was our anchor. Someone who arrived in this country with nothing - no money, hardly even any English - yet she worked hard her whole life and pushed us five kids to do the same.

“I miss my Mum every day. Cancer took her within three months and it was heart-breaking to watch her go from a real pocket rocket - so actively involved in her community, her church, so active in the lives of her kids and grandkids - to turn so frail and dependent, often gasping for breath.

We, as her family, felt so helpless. She was our anchor. Someone who arrived in this country with nothing - no money, hardly even any English- yet she worked hard her whole life and pushed us five kids to do the same. She was our tiger mum.
The huge saviour for me during that tough time was the Cancer Society. It literally wrapped its arms around my Mum and helped us cope through those last few months.
The amazing volunteer drivers were there when she became too weak to drive. I will forever be grateful. I hate cancer and I will do everything in my power to support the Cancer Society so it never stops caring for those in need. FUCK CANCER.”
30 Stories for 30 Years
In 2020 the Cancer Society celebrated the 30th anniversary of Daffodil Day.
It also marked a 30 year relationship with ANZ as the Principal Sponsor of Daffodil Day. We want to thank the team at ANZ for their amazing support.
To acknowledge this we found 30+ people to tell their story. These stories talk about the generosity of everyday New Zealanders making a difference for people with cancer. They talk about the effect of cancer on people and on whānau, they talk about hope, and they talk about the work we do here at the Cancer Society.