Here you will find useful resources with in depth information to help you navigate your pancreatic cancer diagnosis and prepare you for the future.

Download the whole pancreatic cancer booklet

Our new booklet 'Understanding pancreatic cancer' is available now.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer booklet 2022

Download Section Eight of our pancreatic cancer booklet: Pancreatic cancer resources

Cancer Explained

Video Link:

Suggested websites

You may be interested in looking for information about pancreatic cancer on the internet.

While there are very good websites, be aware that some websites may provide incorrect information. The suggested websites are not maintained by the Cancer Society of New Zealand.

We only suggest sites we believe offer credible and reliable information, but we cannot guarantee that the information on these websites is correct, up to date, or evidence-based medical information:

MacMillan Cancer Support

Pancreatic Cancer UK

American Cancer Society

Pancare Foundation


Gut Cancer Foundation (New Zealand)

Cancer Society information and support services

The Cancer Information Helpline is a Cancer Society phone line where you can talk about your concerns and needs with trained health professionals.

Phone the Cancer Information Helpline (0800 CANCER 226 237).

Your local Cancer Society offers a range of services for people with cancer and their families/whānau. These may include:

  • information and support
  • volunteer drivers providing transport to treatment
  • accommodation while you are having treatment away from home.

The range of services offered differs in each region, contact your local Cancer Society to find out what is available in your area.

Last updated: December 22, 2022