The best thing you can do for your health is to be Smokefree and Vapefree. Vaping is not for children, teens and non-smokers. Vapes can help some people quit smoking.
What is vaping?
Vaping is the process of breathing in the vapour produced by a vape or e-cigarette.
Vapes are battery-powered devices that heat and vaporise liquid usually made of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavourings.
There are many kinds of vapes and smokeless tobacco products, with more being developed all the time.

Is vaping safe?
- Vaping is not harmless, but it is less harmful than smoking tobacco. If you do not smoke, do not vape.
- Vaping may damage your lungs.
- We do not know the long-term risks of vaping. More research is needed to understand the impact of vaping on our health.
Vaping and Rangatahi
Young people who do not smoke should not vape.
Vaping is for those people who want to quit smoking.
Young people are experimenting with vaping. Some vapes have nicotine, this can lead to a dependence on nicotine.
As vapes are addictive and can damage the lungs, they are not appropriate for rangitahi to use. The long-term health impacts of vaping are not known.
If you are worried about your child vaping or they are vaping to quit smoking, you can seek support from a stop smoking service, Quitline, your doctor or practice nurse.
There are rules set out to protect the public and young people. Some key ones are:
- It is illegal to sell or supply vaping products to anyone under 18 years old.
- Vaping is not allowed in and around schools, kura kaupapa, kōhanga reo and early childhood education, and care centres.
- Vaping is not allowed inside workplaces, public transport, or vehicles carrying children under 18 years.
- Vapes and heated tobacco are sold at R18 vape shops. A very limited range of vapes are available at general retailers such as dairies and supermarkets. Vapes can also be brought online but the parcel should be marked as R18 and require signature or ID on delivery. It is prohibited for any retailer or delivery driver to supply vapes and heated tobacco to those under 18 years.
- Advertising of vaping products is banned (except at R18 vape shops).
Te Whatu Ora has more information about Vaping Law and Policy.
Download information on vaping
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