You may find it helpful to have a list of questions ready before your appointments.
If you're diagnosed with cancer, you may have a lot of questions.
There can be a lot of information, so you may want to take notes or ask your treatment team to write things down. You could also bring a friend or family/whānau member with you to your appointment.
It is up to you how much you want to know about your cancer and the treatment.
We've put together a list of questions you may wish to ask your treatment team.
Ka mōhio ana koe kua pā te matepukupuku ki a koe, tērā pea ka pā te mataku ki a koe me tō whānau, ā. kāore e kore ka nui ngā pātai ka ara ake. Ka āwhina ngā whakautu i a koe ki tewhakahaere pai i ngā āhuatanga o tō mate. E whai ake nei tētahi rārangi pātai hei whakamaumahara i a koe i te wā kōrero ai koe ki tō rata.
- He aha te ingoa o taku matepukupuku?
- Kei tēhea wāhi o taku tinana?
- Pēhea te pānga o te matepukupuku ki taku tinana?
- He aha ngā whakamātautau me whai au?
- Āhea mōhio ai au ki ngā hua o te whakamātautau?
- He aha ngā kōrero ka puta i te whakamātautau?
- He aha ngā maimoatanga e wātea ana?
- He aha te whāinga o ngā maimoatanga?
- Ka mahi pai anō te maimoatanga?
- Ka taea te hono ki tētahi whakamātautau ā-haumanu?
- Me haere au ki te hōhipera mō ngā maimoatanga?
- Pēhea te mōhio mēnā kei te mahi pai te maimoatanga?
- Ki te kore te maimoatanga e mahi tika whai muri mai i tērā, ka aha?
- He mate tūpono anō kei te taha o ngā maimoatanga?
- Ka pai noa iho au ki te mahi?
- Me whai rārangi kai motuhake au?
- Ka pā anō he rarararu ki tōku hia ai nā runga i te maimoatanga?
- Ka taea tonu e au te mahi pēpi?
- Ka pai noa iho au ki te korikori i taku tinana?
- He pai noa iho te puta ki te haerēre?
- Ki hea au rapu tautoko ai?
- Me utu anō au i ētahi utu?
- Ka aha mēnā kāore e taea te whakahaere i taku matepukupuku?
Questions you may wish to ask
- what is the name of my cancer?
- where is it in my body?
- how is the cancer affecting my body?
- what tests do I need?
- when will I know the results?
- what will the tests tell us?
- what treatments are available?
- what is the aim of the treatment?
- what is the probability of the treatment working?
- is there a clinical trial I can join?
- will I have to have treatment in the hospital?
- how do you check that the treatment is working?
- if the treatment is not working, what is the plan?
- are there any side-effects to treatments?
- can I still go to work?
- should I follow a special eating plan?
- will the treatment affect my sex life?
- will treatment affect my fertility?
- can I exercise?
- can I travel?
- where can I go for support?
- will I have to pay for anything?
- what will happen if my cancer can not be controlled?

For many people, having cancer changes how they feel about themselves and how they feel about sex.

We have free counselling and psychological services for people with cancer and their family/whānau.

We are here to help and support you and your whānau through cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery…

Cancer can impact not only your health but your lifestyle and relationships.
We know that going through cancer is tough and can raise many questions. You are not alone.
We have health professionals to answer your questions and provide the support you need.
Get in touch