In this section you will find a selection of helpful resources on the topics of reducing cancer risk in men and also cancer support and information.
Suggested websites (alphabetical)
Most of the suggested websites are not maintained by the Cancer Society of New Zealand. We only suggest sites we believe offer credible and reliable information, but we cannot guarantee that the information on these websites is correct, up to date, or evidence-based medical information.
Healthy living: reducing cancer risk / earlier detection
- Cancer Society of New Zealand - Check your prostate
- Cancer Society of New Zealand – Reducing your cancer risk
- Green Cross Medical - My Waterworks app
- Health Navigator NZ – Testicle lumps and swelling
- Ignite - Workplace wellbeing
- Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
- Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora - Eating and activity guidelines
- Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora - Kupe Prostate Cancer Decision Tool
- National Bowel Screening Programme
- Otago University Centre for Men’s Health
- QuitStrong - Get support to increase your chances of quitting
- Sport New Zealand - IHI Aotearoa - Get Active Kia Kori
- SunSmart
- Te Aho o Te Kahu - Cancer Control Agency - Te whakaoranga - Healthy living
- Te Whatu Ora Health NZ - Amohia te Waiora - We’re Stronger Without Alcohol
- Work Safe - Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa - Carcinogens and airborne risks
Need someone to talk to?
We know that going through cancer is tough and can raise many questions. You are not alone.
We have health professionals to answer your questions and provide the support you need.
Get in touch
Last updated: January 9, 2023