As Luke buckled over with severe abdominal pain, he had no idea that his entire world was about to be turned upside down. The 38-year-old husband and father of two young boys, had stage 4 bowel cancer.

Watch Luke share his story of heartbreak, perseverance, and how your support has been invaluable.

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Last year Luke received the devastating diagnosis, stage 4 bowel cancer. Shocked and heartbroken, Luke's mind went to his wife, Cushla, and sons Theo (5) and Hunter (9). In an instant, their lives were forever changed.

What kind of support do you think you'd need if this way you? 

A caring specialist nurse visiting you throughout your treatment? A counsellor to talk through your fears and anxiety? A friendly face driving you to chemotherapy, or a welcoming place to stay near the hospital? 

This Daffodil Day, you can make all of this possible.

Thousands of Kiwi families like Luke's rely on Cancer Society support services every year, but none of it is possible without you. To keep this practical and emotional support free, we need your help. Please give the greatest gift to people facing cancer with your donation today.

Last updated: July 16, 2024