“The repeal of our world-leading smokefree legislation is a colossal set-back for our vision of a Smokefree Aotearoa
The legislation was crafted from solid evidence on smoking cessation and addiction prevention.
Within the first 100 days of this Government, an estimated 585 New Zealanders will have died from tobacco related cancer. This is an intolerable and entirely preventable burden on whānau across Aotearoa. Despite strides in reducing smoking rates, not all New Zealanders are there yet, with Māori continuing to bear disproportionate impact.
The time for complacency is over; we need decisive action. The Government’s decision to repeal existing legislation means that it now holds responsibility for finding a new way to ensure we reach our Smokefree goals.
As the Government deliberates on the next steps of our Smokefree journey, it must avoid exacerbating harm by increasing access to new tobacco products. Every tobacco product poses a cancer risk. Any measures introduced must be grounded in robust evidence and garner widespread community support.”
Dr Rachael Hart
Chief Executive
Cancer Society of New Zealand