We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Māori Cancer Researcher Awards 2023
Stella Williams-Terei
Read about Stella Williams-Terei, one of our Māori Cancer Research award recipients.

How does a Māori nurse contribute to cancer care and navigation for Māori patients?
Stella Williams-Terei (Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāpuhi)
University of Auckland
Māori Cancer Researcher Awards - Masters Scholarship
There is a lack of Māori cancer nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand, and the cancer care workforce does not reflect the Māori population or the high burden of cancer for Māori. Therefore, the research aims to explore the experiences of Māori cancer nurses. We want to understand the contribution Māori cancer nurses make in cancer care and navigation, to characterise and understand the unique contribution they make. A Kaupapa Māori research approach will guide the study. This research will establish a deeper understanding of Māori cancer nurses’ perspectives and their dual competency, and inform future practices and service improvements utilising their unique skills.