We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Māori Cancer Researcher Awards 2023.
Maria Marama
Read about Maria Marama, one of our Māori Cancer Resaerch award recipients.
From left to right: Dr. Jenny Lee-Morgan, Director of Pūrangakura who will provide advice to Maria when required; Maria Marama; Dr. Catherine Mitchell, who is Maria's Supervisor.

An exploration of traditional and complementary approaches to breast cancer treatment for wāhine Māori: A Kaupapa Māori research study
Maria Marama (Ngati Whakaue, Tuhourangi)
Māori Cancer Researcher Awards - Masters Scholarship
The proposed research aims to explore the integration of traditional and complementary approaches within conventional breast cancer treatment for wāhine Māori. The study will employ a Kaupapa Māori research approach to identify the potential benefits and challenges for wāhine Māori. This research is informed by the lived experience of the researcher as a Māori breast cancer patient and a passion for advocating for better outcomes for Māori across the health care system.
This research will add to the critical discourse on the development of culturally responsive, rights-based, and evidence-informed strategies in breast cancer care that leverage better outcomes for Māori communities. This research is crucial to achieving equitable breast cancer care for Māori through exploring culturally responsive alternative approaches.