Our Vision is that Cancer Research funding in Aotearoa New Zealand supports equitable and improved cancer outcomes across the cancer continuum over the long term.
Research strategy
Our current (2023-2028) Research Strategy was developed based on our progress to achieve the goals of the previous Research Strategy that was first put in place in 2018. The updated strategy was developed with input from a wide range of people, including members of our National Scientific Advisory Committee, Cancer Society divisions and staff, and representatives from Hei Āhuru Mōwai, Maori Cancer Leadership Aotearoa.
Download a copy of our current Research Strategy (2023-2028)
The objectives of the strategy are as follows:
1. Cancer Society is a significant non-government funder of cancer research.
- By 2028, the Cancer Society has increased its cancer research funding or leveraged additional funding into cancer research in New Zealand.
- Increased brand awareness of Cancer Society as a significant cancer research funder.
2. Cancer Society’s research Kaupapa is consistent with Cancer Society’s Equity charter and is committed to research funding processes that ensure high quality and high impact research is funded.
Funding processes will:
- Demonstrate commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- Encourage Māori research proposals, as well as appropriate involvement, and engagement of Māori in the design, conduct and dissemination of research.
- Ensure there are diverse perspectives on the decision-making panel.
- Encourage research applications with a focus on equitable outcomes (such as outcomes for Māori, geography, ethnicity, socio economic status, gender) and ensure assessment process considers how the research will contribute to pro-equity outcomes.
- Ensure there is a transparent, peer-reviewed assessment process that reviews research funding allocation in a reliable and consistent way (e.g. via assessment by the National Scientific Advisory Committee or equivalent group)
3. Cancer Society funds research that supports improved, equitable cancer outcomes in New Zealand across the cancer continuum.
- Cancer Society funding is prioritised into areas that improve equity in cancer outcomes, which may include prevention, screening, psychosocial support, or survivorship.
- The Cancer Society progressively grows its funding into Kaupapa Māori and Māori responsive research.
- Cancer Society adequately funds future cancer researchers through annual post-graduate grant rounds, prioritising research studies that are not covered by other funding sources.
4. Cancer Society engages key stakeholders (internal and external) to maximise the impact of our research programme.
- Cancer Society provides relevant, timely and accurate information about Cancer Society’s research activities, including the outcomes of the research and engagement approach.

No one is ever prepared to hear the news that they, or a family member, has cancer. Which is why alo…

The Cancer Society of New Zealand has funded more than $1,000,0000 in new research to combat cancer …

Find out more about the research projects funded by the Cancer Society.