Download our easy to read booklets and information sheets on the topic of your choice.
Living with cancer
- applying to Work and Income INFO SHEET
- benefits and entitlements INFO SHEET
- cancer in the workplace INFO SHEET
- coping with cancer BOOKLET
- coping with waiting INFO SHEET
- eating well with cancer BOOKLET | INFO SHEET
- emotions and cancer BOOKLET
- healthy recipes INFO SHEET
- helping yourself INFO SHEET
- insurance, employment and legal issues INFO SHEET
- keeping active with cancer BOOKLET
- life after cancer treatment BOOKLET
- living with lymphoedema INFO SHEET
- making decisions about cancer treatment INFO SHEET
- searching the internet for cancer information INFO SHEET
- sex and cancer BOOKLET | INFO SHEET
- spirituality, wairuatanga and cancer INFO SHEET
- supporting someone with cancer BOOKLET
- supporting young adult children when you have cancer INFO SHEET
- talking about grief and loss BOOKLET
- talking to a friend with cancer BOOKLET
- talking to children about cancer BOOKLET
- telling others about your cancer diagnosis INFO SHEET
Last updated: September 16, 2024